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Upcoming Events

Tuesday, September 6, 2022: New Release! JANE ALMOST ALWAYS SMILES (Moonstone Press)

Friday, September 16, 2022: New Release! No, YOU Tell It! Ten-Year Anthology (Palm Circle Press), (including H.E. Fisher's essay "Suburban Muse"

Friday, September 16, 2002, 6-8pm EDT - POETRY READING - Adverse Abstraction in collaboration (Re) An Ideas Journal, in-person at Otto's Shrunken Head, 538 E. 14th Street, NYC.

Thursday, September 29, 2002, 7pm EDT - POETRY READING, online, presented by Moonstone Press [details forthcoming].

Thursday, October 13, 2022, 8-10pm EDT - In-person reading - CCNY MFA Reading Series - The Writers Room, 740 Broadway, NYC, 12th Floor.

Monday, October 18, 2002, Noon EDT - STERILE FIELD Reading and writing workshop, hosted by Say Ah!, Inc. [details forthcoming].

Tuesday, October 20, 2002, 1pm EDT - STERILE FIELD Reading and workshop, hosted by Say Ah!, Inc. [details forthcoming].

Sunday, November 20, 2002 - POETRY READING, WordShed Reading Series, in-person, NYC [details forthcoming].


Sunday, December 4, 2022 - 4-5:30pm EDT - POETRY READING, in-person and online - Hudson Valley Writers Center - published student reading with H.E. Fisher, Tony Howarth, Nora Maynard, Kevin Sterne, Kathleen Williamson, and Jeannie Zusy. [Register here.]

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